Ieuan’s challange done


Finally, a scripting language assignment done.

Earlier this week during the lab session on Monday, my teaching assistant Ieuan, assigned a homework to the class where we are tasked to improve our form helper CodeIgniter exercise to be able to work in conjunction with a database. He did not state specifics, but I think he wants us to make the form validate with data stored in a database.IeuanChall1

So connecting the CI application with the database is not that hard, all you need to do is tweak the autoload file to load the database library, then state the database credentials in the database.php file, create a model containing the query for the database, and then load them puppies to the viewer file. Oh, did I mention create a FUNCTIONAL model for the queries?

Captureieuanchall2So I created some queries but I followed the class example, and the method to load it to the viewer is by using an associated array for each object like “$object->emailAddress”, so i tweaked the whole setup in order for the code to run without a hitch, but I dont know if that is how Ieuan wants me to do it.

But, what is done is done. The task is finished, effectively, just like my favorite catchphrase when I describe myself to potential employers:

I Get things Done, Period…


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