Finally, after months of learning essential scripting language programming from Mr Bahana, and weeks of “careful” group work planning, my team (Jason & Alex) and I showed Mr Bahana our final (not really) draft of the website for Pusaka Beruang Batik.
The Website is basically a simple e commerce website that focuses on selling the ever so wonderful Pusaka Beruang Batik Lasem. Mr Bahana gave us the assignment after the mid term exam, and appointed groups for the class. My group did pretty okay because i had my boss (Jason) running the “important” php programming while i focused on visual appearance as well as visual data representations from the mysql database (too technical ey?). Our last guy (Alex) helped out with structuring the mysql database, content management, and he did the cool video up top too 🙂
There are some screenshots that I want to post, but for some reason wordpress is not letting me upload files correctly?. Anyway, the website is split into 3 parts, a dynamic store which contains the php files, a static “culture” page that I cut up from the long introductions the designer wrote in the initial web “template” for our group, and an admin page for the admin to manage the store items, manage transactions, as well as view customer or username datas. Quite the undertaking achievement if you ask me 🙂